
I am lost and don't want to mess up my chances

by Petra skerritt
(forg bragg ca)

Please advise.
I have not had a cycle since in OCT 13TH. Prior to that I used to have a cycle on the 15th for 8 days. But I had a surgery on Augs15 to remove fibroids and it was found I had Endo.
So now my husband and I want to have a baby because we are scared we won't be able to later down the road.

I know my body is trying to adjust to everything and that is why my cycle is so off right now. I started using the progesterone cream 2 weeks ego 500mg 3xday and then lowered it to 2xday. I felt so good,stable and back to me for almost the whole 2 weeks but then I started to feel like the bad me again.
I thought maybe I should stop the cream for a bit and I stopped it for 2 days but felt even worse. So then I started it again 2xday 500mg.
But today my ovulating kit says I am ovulating. And since I couldn't start the cream with knowing what my cycle was I don't' know if I should stop the cream now since I am ovulating or keep going?
I am really confused?? Please please help.

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