
How Long?

How long does it take Progesterone cream to absorb into the body? I put it on as soon as I get up but then sometimes I go to the gym and work out and get a shower.

I want to know how much time I need to allow between putting it on and getting the shower. Or should I put the half tsp on and then reapply that same amount after I get a shower? I dont want to double dose if I don't need to but I really like putting it on first thing when I wake up. It is very soothing. Thank you.

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Feb 19, 2011
What I do
by: Anonymous

I put a little on as soon as I get up to start my day. I exercise, shower and then put my full amount on after that. It seems to work for me. Putting on a little as soon as I get up helps with my morning anxiety.

Feb 21, 2011
How Long?
by: Wray

Hi there The progesterone is absorbed within seconds, and travels throughout the body within minutes. So using it as you do is fine, it will have had time to go through the skin. See here, here here. I do advise using it twice a day, as levels drop after about 13hrs. For more info please see our page on How to use progesterone cream Take care Wray

Dec 09, 2015
Heavy Bleeding with clotts/3 plus weeks
by: Kathy A.

Since I turned 48, I have had irregular periods, none at all, only for three days which is the norm, and some that where heavy and for weeks at a time.
Most recently, I had one that was going on 3-4 weeks long, still trying to work and function was horrible. I recently went to natural store and bought some Progestrone cream-20mg, per dose, I am on day 2- bleeding has slowed down a great deal, had to put it on twice to day equaling 30mg, but the bleeding is slowing down a great deal. Most of my female friends have experience this as well and the answer was Hysterectectomy- uggg, that cannot always be the answer- surgical remove our body parts? Hanging in there, Kathy

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