by Mary
I am 43, have somewhat regular periods, have fibrostic cyst disease, have had ovarian cysts, hypothyroidism and severe pms. I have had all of this since starting my period at age 11.
I went to a bio identical hormone doc that put me on a low dose cream of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Vit D3, about 6000u/day. I felt great on these for nearly a year but had to go off because of the expense.
I discovered this product on your site and have used it as directed a tube and more from day 14-28 for almost 7 months now. Nothing has improved. 2 cysts in my right breast are golf ball sized and I am so severely depressed I do not want to be around the people I love. My fear is that I am becoming my mother who had such terrible mood swings she would rock on the floor and pull her hair out, even threatening suicide at times.
I have increased my dose to 200mg twice daily a few months ago. Using it in the am and pm. I continue to use the Vit D3 and have been on it for about 2 years. I take synthroid .88 and a natural t-3 compounded prescription that the natural doctor also put me on.
I am wondering if there is releif in sight. What dose do I need to adjust to and how long does it take to feel results?
I have posted a couple times before but haven't received an answer or wasn't sure where to find it at and I am desperate. This is the only sight I see that recommends high dosages and I am ready to give up and try something else.
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