
How long for results?

by Mary

I am 43, have somewhat regular periods, have fibrostic cyst disease, have had ovarian cysts, hypothyroidism and severe pms. I have had all of this since starting my period at age 11.

I went to a bio identical hormone doc that put me on a low dose cream of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Vit D3, about 6000u/day. I felt great on these for nearly a year but had to go off because of the expense.

I discovered this product on your site and have used it as directed a tube and more from day 14-28 for almost 7 months now. Nothing has improved. 2 cysts in my right breast are golf ball sized and I am so severely depressed I do not want to be around the people I love. My fear is that I am becoming my mother who had such terrible mood swings she would rock on the floor and pull her hair out, even threatening suicide at times.

I have increased my dose to 200mg twice daily a few months ago. Using it in the am and pm. I continue to use the Vit D3 and have been on it for about 2 years. I take synthroid .88 and a natural t-3 compounded prescription that the natural doctor also put me on.

I am wondering if there is releif in sight. What dose do I need to adjust to and how long does it take to feel results?

I have posted a couple times before but haven't received an answer or wasn't sure where to find it at and I am desperate. This is the only sight I see that recommends high dosages and I am ready to give up and try something else.

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Dec 31, 2010
How long for results?
by: Wray

Hi Mary The high amount you are using, ie 400mg per day usually helps. But it could be your serotonin or dopamine is too low. Progesterone does raise these neurotransmitters, but it can't make more. Only the amino acids can, ie tryptophan to raise serotonin and tyrosine to raise dopamine. Please consider taking these, there's more info on them and how to take them on our page about Anxiety. You'll notice other nutrients which also help, inositol is particularly good, vitamin B3 too. Please use the cream as and when you feel you need it, ie hourly if you want. So divide the amount you are using into as many 'doses' as you need. I also suggest you rub some on the sore breasts too. It could be you still have too much oestrogen circulating, only a test will confirm this. I've found to feel well the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen should be 600:1 and over, it could be your ratio is too low. The D3 dose you are taking is very good, but I suggest you have a test done to check your level. Too little vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone, it also causes depression, see here and here. Our levels should be between 50-100ng/ml, the higher it is the better. For more info please see the Vitamin D council website. Both progesterone and vitamin D levels drop during the dark winter days. As it's now winter both these are probably lower than they should be. I'm surprised the D3 hasn't improved your thyroid function, as a low level causes the thyroid to slow down, because parathyroid hormone increases. Often the dose of thyroid meds have to be increased in winter, simply because D3 has dropped. Take care Wray

Jan 03, 2011
How Long
by: Mary

Thank you so much for replying to my desperate cry for help. I will check my Vit D level by mail order as I have no health insurance. Do you feel if it is normal I should discontinue my Synthroid .88? My prescription will run out soon and I have no refills at this time due to not going to the doctor for the past 6 months.

I am grateful you do not get frustrated with our questions. I see you have to repeat yourself frequently to each of us to help us understand.

I will say that this past week I have felt the dark cloud of depression lift from me and the anxiety. I am curious to see if it returns with my monthly cycle.

Thank you again.

PS: The two golf ball sized cysts in my breast are much smaller.

Jan 03, 2011
How Long
by: Mary

Just one more quick question. I have started Maca 2 weeks ago. I was taking 3, 500mg capsules each morning and each evening. I have started just taking the 3 capsules each morning due to not being able to sleep at night. I will say I am feeling fairly well after months of deep dark depression. I am not sure if I should contribute it to the progesterone or the Maca. Also, I will see how I feel when my monthy cycle rolls back around.

What is your suggestions on Maca please?

Again, thank you for your hard work, time and efforts with all of us desperate people.

Jan 12, 2011
How Long
by: Wray

Hi Mary Thanks for the kind words, you are right I do have to repeat myself quite frequently! But as each woman's problem is different it's necessary. I don't know half of what's going on either, what foods they eat, exercise, pollution where they live, stress levels, drugs/vitamins taken etc, as all these have a bearing too. I can't advise on whether you should come off the Synthroid, but you've probably gathered I'm not in favour of drugs. One question we should always ask ourselves, is why didn't we need it when younger. The simple answer is our body knows how to grow, heal and repair itself. It hasn't forgotten this, but often there's a lack of nutrients to perform at it's peak. But above all I've found stress plays a huge role, it generates free radicals which damage our cells. Plus we spend about 90% of our time indoors, so the most important nutrient, vitamin D, is missing. So antioxidants are vital, hence my request you have your level of vitamin D checked. I'm pleased the dark cloud is lifting, it does take time, as I went through it too. Interestingly maca contains the same sterols, such as campesterol, stigmasterol, and beta-sitosterol from which progesterone is made. There is no evidence these are converted into progesterone by the body, but people have been eating plants containing these sterols for centuries and have found some benefit. I suggest you get the powder, I use this occasionally, it's far cheaper than caps, and can be sprinkled on food or used in drinks. You say you will see how you feel when your monthly cycle comes back. I take it this means your period and that you feel worse? If this is the case, please increase the progesterone the last 1-2 days beforehand and see if that helps. I so pleased the cysts are smaller, they should have started decreasing. Particularly if you are rubbing the cream directly on your breasts. Do let me know how you get on. Take care Wray

Jan 13, 2011
by: Karen

Also have you considered using it through your cycle for a few months to see if that helps speed things up. Wray has said that is helpful and that you can regular your cycle later. i am not sure how you do that but maybe there is a link that explains it. It seems like with such bad symptoms, that could be helpful. Just be careful when you decide to lower it or change it that you do it gradually. I got anxiety and insomnia from doing it too quickly and yours is a higher dose which I would think means any decrease would have to be done very gradually. Hope youre doing ok.

Jan 13, 2011
How long
by: Mary

Thank you so much for your responses. I seem to be getting on track until my period comes around which is every other week at this time. It stinks to only have 1 good week a month. When the darkness is here it is overwhelming. I also started on some amino acids this week that were listed under the anxiety tab.

Thanks again.

Jan 15, 2011
How long
by: Wray

Hi Mary Use more cream when the darkness comes. It doesn't hurt to use it hourly as I've said, I have many women doing that. I'm glad you're trying the aminos, they are so helpful. And don't forget inositol, that's been found extremely beneficial for sleep, depression, OCD etc. And vitamin D too, often it's only a lack of this which causes depression. I know you are taking 6000iu's per day, but it could be you need more if your level is still too low. Please consider having another test done. Food is another factor to take into account, if blood glucose drops too low, depression can hit within minutes. Please avoid all sugary foods, all starchy carbs which convert very quickly into glucose. Please see our page on Nutrition and Diet for more info. And avoid taking calcium and magnesium, particularly calcium, unless you know you're short of it. If levels of these are too high, depression can set in, and they cause blood glucose to destabilise, see here. Take care Wray

May 20, 2011
Iodine Deficiency
by: Lynne

Mary: have you researched iodine deficiency? After reading your symptoms I would consider it. Hope you feel better soon!

May 26, 2011
In response to Lynn
by: Mary

I have read about Iodine deficiency and even started taking a supplement. I have alot of changes going on in my life. Not sure if it is stress or what that causes all these feelings.

What kind and how much iodine do you take? I am taking so many supplements it is a huge daily ritual and very expensive.

Thanks for your comment.

Jun 09, 2011
In response to Lynn
by: Wray

Hi Mary Lynne is right, and many thanks to her, I can't think why I didn't mention iodine to you. A lack can cause painful breasts, see here, here, here and here. An easy way to find out if your level is low, get a tincture of iodine. Put 3 drops anywhere on your inner arm, rubbing them in with the dropper. If the patch fades in a few hours it means you are short. Continue applying it until the patch takes days to fade. Alternatively have a blood test. If you're taking a huge amount of supps, which are costly if in caps or tabs, please consider the complex we make up, it comes in powder form to bring the cost down, see here. Take care Wray

Jun 09, 2011
To Mary re: Iodine
by: Lynne

Hi Mary. For some reason, even though you posted your comment on May 26, I only got the email notification today.
I take 2 drops of Lugol's iodine a day. Here is a link that may be helpful:

Nov 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

Can you tell me anything about Vitex? I saw it at the health food store on the PMS shelf. I have taken 3 tablets each morning and each evening for the past month. The golf size lumps in my breast are gone! I have also continued the progesterone cream, iodine and Vit D.

I have read it decreases sex drive so that is a concern.

I am hoping this is the cure I have been searching for for my mood swings at PMS time. PMS is destroying my life!

Nov 14, 2011
by: Lynne

To anonymous: My guess is that if your cysts are gone, it is due to the iodine. I draw this conclusion based only on research I've done on iodine in the diet. Glad you are feeling better!

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