
How long can you use progesterone cream for?

I believe I am currently in the peri men0pausal phase in my life. Is it safe to use bio identical progesterone cream indefinitely? I was reading that it inevitably builds up in the tissue over time. If this is the case, can high levels become toxic and potentially cause problems?

Thank you,

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Mar 25, 2024
Progesterone Misconceptions
by: Joy

Hi Jessica

Oh dear there are so many Progesterone Misconceptions about progesterone, this would be one of them. Usually uninformed people/websites spread this misinformation. Also the word bio identical is just a fancy word used for natural progesterone.

If progesterone was toxic then every single pregnant woman would become toxic as the body produces huge amounts of progesterone while pregnant. As mentioned in a post before this. I am 68 and have been using Natpro for 20 years now, every day with no breaks and I will continue to do so. I certainly wouldn't be using it if it were not safe or if it caused a toxicity concern. Natpro progesterone cream has been my life saver.

Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream, Estrogen Dominance and Peri-Menopause pages should you decide to try it.

Take care.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Anonymous

Thank you, Joy!

Another question, perhaps related to misconceptions on the internet, is the use of antioxidants to reverse many of the issues related to estrogen dominance and other disease.

I strongly believe in this, however, just wanted your opinion on the use of too many antioxidants? Is there such a thing? I believe there is literature out there that states too many can be harmful if levels used are too high? I would not be surprised if these claims were false.

Mar 26, 2024
by: Joy

Hi Jessica

When you say too many antioxidants, how many are you referring to?  Antioxidants are extremely important. They are needed to help with inflammation. Take the amino acid Cysteine (NAC) and Taurine for example.  Cysteine burns fat and builds muscle. A powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger, it boosts the immune system, energy and metabolism. A precursor to glutathione, itself a powerful detoxifier of the liver. Selenium, zinc and cysteine deficiency result in reduced levels of glutathione. An anti-aging amino, reduces age spots, also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, burns and wounds. Lowers homocysteine, strengthens skin, nails and hair, chelates heavy metals including mercury and lead, a hangover remedy. Breaks down mucus so used in bronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis.  Taurine is needed for the digestion of fats and controlling cholesterol levels, as it is an integral part of bile. Useful for hypoglycemia, oedema, high blood pressure, epilepsy, heart disorders (high concentrations are found in the heart), and have a protective and soothing effect on the brain. Essential for assisting magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium to enter cells, a lack can cause a drop in potassium levels in the heart, may be the reason for muscle cramps, and not a lack of minerals. Associated with zinc metabolism, a shortage of both may lead to impaired vision. Helpful in alcoholism and diabetes. There are so many vital and important antioxidants.  

I can find no evidence however, that antioxidants help to eliminate estrogen, they definitely help in so many other health issues though. There appears to be a lot of hype about carrots helping with estrogen. According to Ray Peat "the carrot salad helps to support your body’s natural detoxification system. This raw carrot salad may help with estrogen metabolism and aid in the detox of toxins from your system. You may find that it helps balance your hormones and reduce symptoms of PMS". Personally I have tried the carrot salad, while good for you, found it made no difference at all. However, this could be because I have been using progesterone for so long now. Progesterone is definitely the dominant hormone in my case.

Mar 26, 2024
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for this information!

May 31, 2024
Heavy swollen breasts
by: Anonymous


I’m in perimenopause…nearing 40s and have been using progesterone cream about 200mg for about 3 months ….every week or two I seem to start bleeding for a few days, but have a 5-7 day period with it too. ( before cream I had super long cycles so period didn’t come for many weeks). Also the thing that’s concerning me lately is that my breasts seem to double in size , feel extremely heavy, sore, and sometimes hot for a week or so. They typically go back down but now they seem to be swelling again even after bleeding and period. Should I stop the cream? I don’t know if maybe it’s causing an issue

Thank you for any help!

Jun 01, 2024
Heavy Swollen Breasts
by: Joy

Peri-Menopause (PM) can be a torrid time as I am sure you have realised. It's a time when the monthly cycle becomes erratic. So what you are experiencing is quite normal during PM. Tender breasts are part of PM and Estrogen Dominance. You have only been using progesterone for 3 months. It can take between 2-6 months using a good quality organic cream such as Natpro. Longer if symptoms are severe. Try rubbing some cream on your tender breasts. Progesterone is an excellent anti-inflammatory and should help to ease the discomfort. It's clear that your hormones are not balanced yet. Once progesterone is the dominant hormone this should settle for you.

Another reason for tender breasts is a lack of iodine and tyrosine. Has your thyroid been tested? What is your vitamin D3 level? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone and is connected to every single function cell in our bodies and that would include the thyroid.

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