
Hormone weight

by Maude Brits
(South Africa)

Please help me I'm 55 years old, but I'm picking up a lot of weight .

Could this be my hormones?

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Dec 31, 2010
Hormone weight
by: Wray

Hi Maude It could be hormones, oestrogen is known to cause weight gain. It stimulates fat cells, these in turn are a non-ovarian source of oestrogen, so a vicious cycle ensues. From about age 35 we start having anovulatory cycles, when no ovarian progesterone is made. These increase until menopause when ovulation stops entirely, so does ovarian production of progesterone. Without the counter affect of progesterone, oestrogen increases. Although it drops at menopause when the ovaries shut down, our fat cells are still making it, hence the weight gain. We do have more info on our page on Menopause. Weight gain is also caused by a lack of vitamin D, please have a test done. Even in South Africa with it's sun, all the people I've asked to get tested have been low. Ignore the ranges you will be given by the lab, the new ranges are far higher. The minimum level should be 50ng/ml, up to 100ng/ml (125-250nmol/L). Please see the Vitamin D council website. Oestrogen and a lack of vitamin D cause insulin resistance, this also causes us to gain weight. For more info please see our page on Insulin Resistance. If you should consider progesterone, the range I recommend is 100-200mg/day, dependant on symptoms. But before you start it please read our page on Oestrogen Dominance. Take care Wray

Jan 01, 2011
Progesterone and weight loss
by: Shari

It could absolutely be due to your hormones. I have never had weight issues until I had low progesterone levels. Now that I am using enough progesterone, I am noticing that the weight is starting to come off rather easily. I know how frustrating this is and hope this helps you. Make sure you are using enough progesterone or it won't help at all.

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