by Lea
(Lansing, MI)
I've been on natural (compounded) hrt for many years. Am 63 years old. Have always felt great. Suddenly this summer my doctor reduced my progesterone from the 200mg daily to 50mg. She explained my levels were very high: 1.33 (with scale being .15 to .73).
I have developed anxiety and a depression which is very unlike me and quite serious. She only says that on the progesterone I will have a stroke; I counter that that would be with synthetic progesterone. However, I do not know how to counter the fact that my blood levels are high. Also, I do have a seizure disorder, have been seizure free for over 2 years but have been feeling 'not right' - that 'old' feeling used to have before seizures would come on. Have read your articles - thanks!
Due to other medical issues, changing doctors would be a difficult choice. However, she is not an ob-gyn and I would go over her as I am very concerned about (1) the serious anxiety and, (2) possible connection of seizure.
My question to you is, aside from anything further you might have to add to the above, what can I present to her about the high progesterone levels? She continues to test (blood levels) and my levels are high. My pharmacist suggests I counter to her that perhaps I take 125mg of prog. daily, divided, and not the 50mg (once daily), as she has prescribed.
Really enjoy your column, have learned much.
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