
Help again.

by Gretchen

I wrote to Wray a little bit ago about my withdrawal from progesterone.

It’s been almost a month off of progesterone, and I was doing fine, but I have now been having body vibrations and humming, increased anxiety, and body letdowns (which I never experienced before taking progesterone). It’s so strange. I am waiting for my doctor to get back to me about what I should do next. I don’t know if I should go back on progesterone or continue to stay off of it. M I progesterone level was a 6.6 (it was a 2.3 two months earlier), and my estrogen rose to 32 from 20. My FSH levels dropped. It was always a steady 6, and it dropped to 1.6 this last time I got them drawn.

I don’t know what to do and am looking for some more answers. I thought I would be out of the withdrawal stage of stopping progesterone cold turkey. I was only on it for 5 months.

Thank you!!! C

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Oct 12, 2022
Help again
by: Joy

Hi Gretchen

It is not recommended to go cold turkey on any hormone replacement, natural or drug based. The same applies to antidepressants. A weaning off process is needed. What you are experiencing now is quite normal sadly and can be alarming.

You haven't stated why you decided to use progesterone and why you decided to stop. I think that you should decide if you want to use progesterone again or not. My recommendation is that you start to use it again as we all need it, we are all suffering from estrogen dominance which is affecting our health. Usually it takes between 2-6 months before one experiences the benefits of progesterone therapy, longer if symptoms are severe.

Good luck and take care.

Oct 12, 2022
Help again
by: Gretchen

Hi Joy!

After having my second baby almost a year ago, I was having hormone issues. My OBGYN told me to go on the BC and take an antidepressant (which I opted not to, because I didn’t want to go down that road). My body doesn’t do well with the BC. I was super sick on it and just didn’t feel right, so I stopped. I ended up researching and I found a doctor who was a reproductive endocrinologist and then started in the field of hormone replacement therapy after seeing his wife suffer with menopause and not being able to find the help she needed.

When he ran tests (saliva and blood), it was found that my progesterone was really low, and I was experiencing estrogen dominance. He prescribed me 75mg of oral progesterone. I was taking it for about 3 and half months, and then he upped my to 100mg. When I upped my dosage, I just felt really off. I wasn’t sure if it was because it was higher or because I was just getting over covid for the second time. When I talked to the NP about it, he told me to just stop taking it for a week and we would reassess. So I listened to him, and that’s when I started experiencing the crazy letdowns and just body vibrations. I started having really bad anxiety. I’m still waiting back to hear what we should do moving on. He said he is waiting for my blood results to get back to him. I’m trying to decide if I should continue to not be on it, or if I should go back on it. My body just feels all crazy since stopping cold turkey on it.

Oct 13, 2022
Help Again
by: Joy

Hi Gretchen

I can never understand why most doctors favour BC and antidepressants. They usually do this when they have no idea how to help further, failing to acknowledge the benefits of natural progesterone and NOT progestin which they use in all Contraceptives. You just needed your hormones to be balanced correctly. What you were, perhaps still are, suffering from is PND after the birth of your baby, please read the Pregnancy page.  I am so pleased that you refused.

Unfortunately, as mentioned many times on this forum and website, all oral progesterone is not the best Delivery Method as around 96% gets destroyed by the gut and liver, see here.  You would have been getting very little progesterone, in fact what it did was aggravate your estrogen receptors and no woman wants that.  The increase of 100mg is certainly not a high dose if taking oral.  Using a natural cream such as Natpro which is a 3% cream and was formulated over 30 years ago would be a far better option. Between 100-200mg is needed, more if symptoms are severe. Half the amount to be used in the morning and the other half at night.  This helps to keep progesterone levels stable otherwise levels spike.  Not a good idea at all. Please read How to use Progesterone Cream and Estrogen Dominancepages for more detail on this.

When you get our progesterone and estrogen test results please post here and I will work out a ratio for you, or ask your doctor what it is.  

You also don't state your age, you could also be in Peri-Menopause, the body needs the correct hormone support more than ever now.  PM usually starts at around 35. Also what is your Vitamin D3 level, it should be optimal at all times.  A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone.

Oct 13, 2022
Help again
by: Gretchen

Hi Joy!

I completely agree with you there. I don’t know why the doctors always go for that route, which is why I decided to go search on my own for someone to help me.

I had a lengthy conversation yesterday with my doctor. He is putting me back on progesterone, at 50mg. He said my ratio of progesterone and estrogen was in a really good range when he calculated it. My testerone is on the lower normal side he said so he is putting me on tribuilus for it. (I didn’t want to go on testerone for it so wanted to go natural). He is also putting me on GABA as well. My vitamin D was on lower normal range (43), and he said he wanted it to be in the 80s so he told me to take more vitamin D daily to raise this since it’s optimal for hormone balance, etc.

I am 34, so nearing the peri-menopause stage of life. Which could be why after having my second baby I was going through all of this. When I went to my doctor, I was around 8 months postpartum, and he told me that usually it doesn’t take this long for hormones to regulate and it was a good thing I went to him for it.

Nov 18, 2022
by: Anonymous

Hi I am asking questions to make sure I’m doing the right thing by my daughter who is 23 years old has very low glucose anxiety is taking Lexapro and trying to wean off at right now she also has a few liver enzymes that are high from a blood test I ordered not pro and my question is is it OK for her to use every day to help with her anxiety or should she just use it during the 14 days before her cycle I would appreciate any help in answering my questions thank you Wendy

Nov 19, 2022
Your Daughter
by: Joy

Hi Wendy

You seem to have asked the same question on two difference websites. I have just emailed you. If not received, pleased cheque your junk folder.

Take care.

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