
Follow To My Previous Question - RE: Persistent Ovarian Cysts

by Amanda
(Houston, TX)

Hello Joy,

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions! I'm strongly considering going ahead and upping my dosage of progesterone cream, I use Dr. Lee's Progesterall, so I'll have to calculate how much would equal 100-200 mg. I'm still waiting to hear from the gynecologist office about the lab work results, but I really don't want to have to undergo a hysteroscopy and D&C. I've actually had a very light bleed over the past few days, so light that a tampon wasn't even needed, so at least I know my uterine lining is being shed. I also don't want to undergo a cystectomy if I don't have to. I'm willing to try the higher dose of progesterone cream and put up with headaches if it means not having to have surgery. I'll also try the suggestion about putting the cream on the temples and back of neck. My question is this: My doctor mentioned something about checking on the cysts again in 6 months since they were stable and showed slight shrinkage. Since I'm in perimenopause, it makes complete sense to use the cream everyday since I have no cycle to follow. How long is it safe to stay at a 100-200 mg dosage per day or should that be the minimum even if my cysts were to resolve? Because right now, other than very irregular bleeding, I don't even call it periods anymore because as I told you before, I don't believe I'm even ovulating, my only issues are the ovarian cysts and 3 fibroids. If I hadn't had the workup in 2019, I would've never known I even had the cysts, because they like the fibroids are totally asymptomatic. I don't have any other perimenopausal type symptoms. THanks!


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Dec 06, 2021
Follow To My Previous Question - RE: Persistent Ovarian Cysts
by: Joy

Hi Amanda

It is difficult for me to remember what I advised you previously. I reply to so many that I can't remember them all which is why keeping one email thread going helps me.

I always recommend using progesterone every day when in peri-menopause. As you stated, your cycle is erratic, it's very difficult to use progesterone by following a regular cycle now.

I have been using Natpro Progesterone Cream for 17 years now. I use it every day with no breaks at all and will continue to do so. I use about 150mg per day but used much more while my body was adjusting to progesterone. When stressed I use more. I experimented to see what worked for me best. I keep my D3 level optimal at all times. For me, it took about a year before my cysts cleared. I have only ever used Natpro. I can't speak for any other product, but you could approach them to see what they recommend.

Keep going.

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