by Pearl
Hello lovely people
Having discovered that protesterone might be my answer through various YouTube vids. Here I am, grateful to find this wonderful site resource.
My story is two years into memo, I became achy, weight gain and all the rest having done things naturally. Peri time was hard, but with the help of wild yam adaptogen I got through it, only to find a whole gift of different symptoms the other side. Lol
I had taken vistex, thinking my progesterone would be OK, but symptoms wow worsening over time, coupled with pandemic stress it wasn't good.
So, after much research I made the connection that progesterone must be non existent and ordered a generic brand, the best I could find to give it a go. I was two weeks in to that at double the suggestion to 40mg daily, with ups and downs so fat, and by chance found nat pro, and ordered from a local supplier.
SO TODAY IT ARIVED,!!!! I took my first 50mg this morning and what a difference in quality and strength. The other cream had too much added to it, not bad things, but unnecessary.
So, in my two weeks adventure, I have noticed extreme stomach bloating, and niggles not unlike the old pas, so I am wondering if I might have a bleed at some point as described in the information in this fabulous web site.
My question to members here is, should I take a break for that to happen, or will it happen anyway? Just the fact I read about it here helped so much, because had ?I not known it could happen, and if it did, would have blamed the progesterone, not realising it was cleansing and good for my uterus if it happens after two years etc.
I am a vegan, but do drink soya milk and wonder now if I should stop that as it might be too phytoestrogenic?
I would be grateful for any other info on what to expect, I intend taking 100mg daily initially having doubled the 40-50 from the other brand. I think the ups and downs were a case of estrogen dominance, and hopefully now that will change with nat pro.
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