

by Jodi
(Western Australia)

I have uterine fibroids that are painful and bleed alot during intercourse and during my luteal phase. I also display other symptoms such as heavy periods, bad pms mood swings, bloating and cramping (with the spotting) up to 10 days before my period is actually due.

I've tried herbs, acupuncture and a diet change for the last 5 months but the fibroids are becoming more painful.

Both my saliva and blood tests have come back within the normal ranges for a 37 year old woman. So despite displaying classic estrogen dominance/progesterone deficiency my doctor will not prescribe a progesterone cream. You can't buy it over the counter here in OZ.

I have not had kids yet, my partner and I are trying to conceive but to no avail. I am giving it to the end of the year and then I'll look at having them removed via embolization, but I would like to avoid surgery if I can.

Any advice?

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May 16, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Jodi Fibroids are an indication oestrogen is too high. So although your results showed they were within the 'normal' range, it could be that oestrogen was at the high end and progesterone at the low end. This would make oestrogen the dominant hormone, hence your symptoms. Fibroids are also a sign of oxidative stress, this leads to inflammation. Oestrogen is an inflammatory hormone, so exacerbates the situation. You live in Australia, so your vitamin D is probably too low, due to the policy of covering up when in the sun, see here and here. Vitamin D is a vital nutrient, and a potent anti-inflammatory, a lack of it is behind many of our diseases. Please consider having a test done, for more info see the Vitamin D council and GrassrootsHealth websites. Vitamin D is also vital for ovulation and once conceived, vital for the growing foetus, see here, here, here, here and here. We do have a page on Pregnancy, which explains how to use progesterone. It's always best to start using it before falling pregnant, as the last thing you need is Oestrogen Dominance whilst pregnant. For more info on it's use see our page on How to use progesterone cream. Take care Wray

May 23, 2011
by: Jodi

Thanks for getting back to me Wray, i will look into your comments.

Best Regards


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