by Jen
Three years ago I had my tubes tied and this year I have had problems with my heart skipping beats, acne, raynauds disease and joint pain. I also had NO SEX DRIVE and just felt lethargic. The weirdest thing was that sometimes my hands would turn blood red and feel really hot. Has any body ever heard of that?
I finally decided to go to the doctor and I was started on natural progesterone cream on 03/30/11. The container says 20 mg (2 clicks). I was told to use it twice a day (40 mg total.
I started to feel better and went back for my checkup on 04/14/11. I also should mention that my testosterone free test level was 0.2. So I was given testosterone to use once a day.
To my horror I had gained 5 pounds even though I work out and watch what I eat. I am not obsessive about my weight but it was VERY disheartening especially since the doctor told me it should make me lose weight. I knew something was up so I went online and found out that progesterone stimulates the oestrogen initally which at least made me feel sane in knowing that I wasn't losing my mind. WHY WOULD THEY NOT TELL YOU THIS UPFRONT?
I read that the initial dose should be around 100mg? Well I decided to up my dose to 100mg a day (which is alot of freaking cream) I started this past Saturday and decided to tough it out for at least a month. I have been working out and trying to watch what I eat since then.
Well here I am four days later and I feel like crap - just "out of it". My family says I'm acting weird. I'm not tired like alot of people say it makes them. I almost feel wired. I feel like I have anxiety and even though I'm not sick I swear I'm running a low grade temp. So that made me this a hot flash??? My skin is greasy and I just feel yucky. I stopped the testosterone and honestly I want to stop the progesterone too. Its hard to explain. I think the worst thing to me is the weight gain. I want to stay on the progesterone but I'm scared that maybe I am taking too much? I just wondered what some good advice would be at this point. I am going to wait and see what advice others have before i just throw in the towel. Thanks.
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