
Facing Hormonal imbalance

by Shanthi
(K.L. , Malaysia.)

I am 44 and going hormonal imbalance problem. I have gone through most of the hormonal imbalance websites and all confusing me. I read yours too.

I have been facing hormonal imbalance problem for past 3 three years. I am taking some herbal treatment but still not stable in terms of period flow. Sometimes I get 2 days follows, sometimes very little. Recently my period is not regular. I facing all the symptoms you have mentioned such as mood swing, dry skin, pigment problem, hair growth on my face, sleep disorder, weight gain, bad temper, bloating, headaches, dizziness before period,depression, irritability, Hot flushes, bad hair loss, bad constipation, heel cracking and so on.

I am living in Malaysia and I only take HALAL food. Kindly advise me how to overcome this problem to run peaceful life. And also let us know is there any side effect ? Your advice much need. Thank you.

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Oct 28, 2011
Facing Hormonal imbalance
by: Wray

Hi Shanthi It can be confusing! You are now in Peri-menopause, which is such a difficult time. Our periods become very erratic and there's nothing we can do about it. No amount of progesterone will regulate the cycle now, but it does help with all the other symptoms you are experiencing. The link I've given above explains how to use progesterone, how much to use and what symptoms to expect. Progesterone doesn't have any adverse side effects, but initially it does stimulate oestrogen. This can lead to Oestrogen Dominance. If this should occur increasing the progesterone is essential. I normally recommend 100-200mg/day, but more is often needed if symptoms are severe. Please consider having a vitamin D test done, it's low in most of us, even those living in sunny climates. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone, it's also needed by every cell to function normally. For more info on testing etc see the For more info on testing etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml and not the 30ng/ml labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. Take care Wray

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