
Estrogen dominance at 31 years of age

by Charmaine

I am 31 and I have four children... 10,9,7 and 5. I live in Australia and have been suffering hormonally since I had my first child. I had postnatal depression with all children and didn't do anything until I had my fourth child. I am a very active healthy woman and love my exercise.

I started to get worse and felt depressed so I went to my doctor and he prescribed Aropax and Zoloft. This hit me pretty hard being on them and I stayed on them for 5 years. Then things got even worse and I have negative thoughts, self harm, feeling very insecure, fearful, just always down and anxious and just thought one day... oh well this is who I am I cannot change anything I have tried so hard with visiting so many doctors telling me you are just depressed looking at me as some weird lady.

I ended up ringing up a doctor who specialises in Bio identical hormones. They sent a blood test out for me and I found out my level of estrogen was 900 estrogen dominance. I have started my Progesterone cream. I am on 30mg and take 2mls one day and 1ml the next. Some days are good other days like today is shocking... angry, anxious, in tears and feel like there is no hope. My doctor wants me to try the progesterone capsule starting tomorrow. I am just praying this might work and get me on track. I have only been on the cream for 6 weeks and I know it takes a while for it to work. I am just struggling with this as I want to be who I was before this all started.

I would love to chat to other woman who suffer from estrogen dominance. It would be great as sometimes we just feel alone.

Comments for Estrogen dominance at 31 years of age

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Oct 05, 2008
Estrogen dominance at 31 years of age
by: Wray

Hi Charmaine Unfortunately progesterone levels can drop sharply after giving birth, so do serotonin levels. Both cause severe depression if low. Progesterone is certainly needed, but if you're on antidepressants you might need the amino acid tryptophan. It's the precursor to serotonin. It is far more affective and safer than antidepressants.

Progesterone does raise serotonin levels, but if these are very low it will take too long, hence the tryptophan. The dose you're on is far too low! It's barely above the physiological level, so will be ineffective in treating the depression. All the successful studies done on progesterone use between 100mg to 200mg per day. This equates to 3ml to 6ml of Natpro per day. The cream is best applied twice a day, to keep levels up. Please don't use capsules, they are worse than useless, as about 90% of the progesterone is destroyed as it passes through the gut and liver. They also put a strain on the liver which has to metabolise the progesterone. Hope this helps, take care Wray

Sep 18, 2009
My estrogen level is 900 too
by: Anonymous

I am 39 years old. My estrogen level is 900 and my progesterone level is also low. Some days are good for me and others are not so great. My biggest problem is not having any energy. I can't focus and I can't get anything done. I am always tired. My doctor just put me on birth control pills to see if it will cut my estrogen level.

Sep 20, 2009
My estrogen level is 900 too
by: Wray

The only safe way of raising progesterone levels and suppressing excess oestrogen, is by supplementing with progesterone. Giving you the pill will merely fill you with synthetic oestrogen and progestin, the pill also stops all ovarian function. By doing so it does stop production of natural oestrogen, but unfortunately stops all progesterone production too. Please consider stopping the pill, it has many adverse side affects, you might like to read about them here.

Progesterone is far safer and has added benefits too. Excess oestrogen causes insulin resistance, which could account for your lack of energy and focus, please see this web page.

Please try to switch to organic food, the pesticides used are all oestrogen mimics, which could be the reason for your high level. Another cause could be the skin care you use, many have ingredients which are oestrogen mimics. Please see these two web sites:
EWG Skin care
Our Stolen Future - Endocrine disruptors

Take care.

May 16, 2010
Estrogen dominance
by: Catherine

Charmaine, please email me if you are still looking for someone to talk with about your estrogen dominance and symptoms. I am in the same boat as you described and could use some support myself. My address is: [address deleted]

NOTE from Webmaster... sorry Catherine but our policy is not to publish email addresses as it encourages spambots and other such undesirables. You can continue your discussion by exchanging comments here or alternatively post an URL to a webform you may have where people can reach you. Thank you for understanding.

Jun 05, 2010
My wife has Estrogen Dominance
by: Anonymous

She went to several doctors who put her on Effexor an SSRI which caused spinal myolonis as she came off of it (involuntary muscle twitching looks like a siezure but she stays aware) which still persists two years later. Anyway she found out about estrogen dominance in a grocery store magazine got tested and found her estrogen levels were like 30 times more than they should have been compared to her progesterone.

She tried using the Progesterone topically and it didn't absorb enough so she had to inject it vaginally which is more effective. She got relief at about 90mg (about 6 mls a day) vaginally which is like 180mg topically. This eventually caused her to have mid cycle pain and bleeding so she lowered her dosage of progesterone. She also has polycystic ovarian syndrome as part of her estrogen dominance issues. She is much better but it's still a balancing act. Too much Progesterone can cause you to feel lethargic. When she exercizes cortisol is released too much which uses up progesterone and prevents fat loss which makes the estrogen dominance more apparent, this has something to do with endorphine and serotonin depletion due to the estrogen/progesterone imbalance, which allows the stimulation of cortisol production too easily. At least she is able to stabilize her mood with the Progesterone and no longer needs the anti-depresants. She also has the siezure like stuff under better control. She is also using DIM to help convert excess (BAD) Estrogen to (good) Estrogen and Resveratrol to help inhibit Aramotase which turns androgens into estrogens and helps fat cells produce an estrogen that tells the pituitary to turn off the ovaries' production of progesterone.

She may start taking a supplement called PS again that helps the brain chemicals and lowers cortisol levels. She gets depressed because she weighs 245 pounds and exercise doesn't help her lose weight. We are trying to figure out the cortisol brain chemical connection to Estrogen Dominance. I think it has to do with the body calling on Cortisol inplace of endorphines and needing endorphines to shut off cortisol production which is all inhibited by estrogen dominance somehow. Hope this helps sombody else out there. Hope I didn't Ramble too much. So the ovarie's connected to the brain connected to the adrenal connected to the thyroid connected to the pituitary around and around it goes.

Jun 06, 2010
My wife has Estrogen Dominance
by: Wray

Hi there Your description of everything being connected is perfect, I liken it to the domino affect, one falls and so the others begin to fall too. Although she is off the AD, you might like to read our web page on natural antidepressants See here. We also have a web page on PCO here. I would ask you to get a vitamin D test done, a lack of this is a major factor behind PCO. It's also low in seizures. For more info please see here.

Overweight people have lower levels than normal weight, their skin doesn't absorb it as efficiently either. Another nutrient you could consider for the seizures is the amino acid taurine, about 2000mg/day, see here. Progesterone is also effective for seizures, see here. It also suppresses aromatase, see here. Take care, Wray

Oct 08, 2012
thankyou everyone
by: Anonymous

Thankyou to everyones comments! It does so much for people sufferering severely with hormonal induced depression chronic fatigue, it really gives hope to others!

Oct 24, 2014
My estrogen was at 930
by: Shantelle

I am 44 years old with 3 children and I've been suffering from hormone imbalance for 3 years. My doctor prescribed me birth control to deal with it and I've been on and off it ever since. 10 months ago, something happened. My mood completely changed. I was extremely irritable and angry for no reason. Then I suddenly experienced extreme anxiety. I went to the doctor and said the cause was stress. So I continued with the pill and have gotten worse each day. One day, I had a massive panic attack and went to the ER. While there, they couldn't find anything wrong other than dehydration. I went back to the doctor and found out that my estrogen level was at 930. The doctor thought I had ovarian cancer, but it turns out I didn't. After all this, I am now very inactive, depressed, anxious, suffer from joint problems, and am now seeing a psychotherapist. I wanted to share my story with others that are going through the same situation and not feel alone.

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