
Estrogen Dominance And Hypothyroidism

by Lorraine
(Alamogordo, NM)

Hi, Wray!

For many years I have been battling with low thyroid problems. Unfortunately, the doctors in my area only treat with synthetic drugs, which I refuse to take.

I have read that many women in perimenopause develop secondary hypothyroidism due to the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. I'm wondering if taking progesterone alone will correct the hypothyroid problem, or if it is necessary to find some over-the-counter thyroid product to be taken in addition to the bioidential progesterone cream.

Any thoughts on this issue?


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May 13, 2015
Estrogen Dominance And Hypothyroidism
by: Wray

Hi Lorraine Progesterone can help the thyroid, as it opposes oestrogen which does slow it down. But you can try the porcine thyroid meds, they are OTC. But I would strongly suggest you have a Vitamin D test done as a lack of that is often the cause of a slow thyroid, see here, here, here, here, here and here. You could take a look at these two sites on the thyroid, Stop the Thyroid Madness and Dr Bownstein's site. Take care Wray

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