
Edema treatment

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Progesterone is a very effective edema treatment due to the relationship between the body's capacity for water retention (edema) and the action of progesterone receptors. 

Water retention can be a problem wherever progesterone receptor sites are found in the body. With a lowering of progesterone in the blood premenstrually (causing an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone) the cells in these areas become swollen with water, particularly in women in their thirties and forties.

Hormone imbalances induced by environmental toxins, especially the 'xeno-estrogens', are thought by some authorities to be a major contributor to edema problems.

Progesterone receptors are found in...

..the covering of the brain, where a hormonal imbalance can cause migraines; the naso-pharyngeal passages and lungs causing asthma, laryngitis, rhinitis and sinusitis; the limbic area of the brain causing PMT (pre-menstrual tension); the eyes causing conjunctivitis, glaucoma, iritis, styes and uveitis; the breasts causing tenderness; the uterus causing a bloating feeling; the urethra causing incontinence.

By maintaining adequate levels of progesterone in the blood during the pre-menstruum, the problem is invariably helped. This is best administered in the form of a skin cream.

To find out more about progesterone therapy in general and how it benefits health issues other than its role as an edema treatment, please click here.

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