
Depression and Cognitive Fuzziness

by Karen

I am a 42 year old white female. I had a bad fall in 2005 which they called a traumatic brain injury. Since then I've suffered with depression, lethargy and cognitive fuzziness. Someone told me progesterone is being used for brain injury patients. I was wondering if you could tell me what you know about using progesterone for brain injury. I walk and talk fine. I just have a great deal of problems with fatigue/fuzziness.

In addition, I have always had heavy periods and bad PMS. It says to stop the progesterone when you get your period and resume again afterwards. But I just read on your sight that a woman is using it to stop her heavy periods by putting it on when she has her period.

Can you clarify for me. I get terrible moodiness/cramping/sadness and sometimes migraines during PMS (no problems with bloating I don't think. I have always been underweight so bloating doesn't matter to me). Then I am terribly wiped out when I have my period because it is so heavy.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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May 07, 2009
Depression and Cognitive Fuzziness
by: Wray

Hi Karen. Progesterone is being used for TBI but it's given as soon after the injury as possible:

The symptoms you describe are normally reversed by progesterone, so it's certainly worth trying.

Progesterone is used for the last 14 days of a monthly cycle, which over time does help the PMS and heavy bleeding, although I do recommend it's use during the period if pain is experienced. If you try it I would suggest you use a dose of about 200mg/day, severe symptoms only respond to a high dose. Please have a look at this web page as oestrogen dominance can occur in some women when first using progesterone:

Take care.

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