
Cont. with Progesterone Overdose??

by marion

HI Wray,I had written earlier today about my friend Annette, from Canada. She has taken very high amounts of the Natpro. She is now in the hospital with what seems to be estrogen dominance symptoms. The doctor & pages we have read say that Progesterone overdose can also cause high blood pressure, high blood sugar, heart palps, thickened blood & a whole host of other things, have you ever heard progesterone doing these things, I always thought it did the opposite of what they are saying. Also that progesterone od can cause weakened lungs, I feel very confused & concerned for my friend. She has had a tremendous amout of stress also, for about the last 5months & this is when all these symptoms really started increasing. We really are not sure what to do, any advice at this point would be of great value, as no one in the medical field here, really understands how progesterone works. Thank you :)

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Oct 20, 2012
can you overdose on progesterone cream??
by: Wray

Hi Marion Thanks for telling me about Annette, I have wondered how she's doing, but no way of contacting her. I know she did say she was going through a divorce, but then she stopped writing on the website. I'm so sorry to hear of her traumas, divorce is one thing, but separation from kids is far worse. Please give her my love when you see her. A friend who has access to her Facebook page, says that Annette says her progesterone levels were low! And that the hospital credited this with all the stress she's been through. Thank heavens they know it drops with stress, most unusual though, so little is known about progesterone. The last I'd heard from her she was using about 2000mg/day, but I'd not heard of the 3000mg, that to me sounds excessive. But obviously not if her level is still low. Unfortunately that list of adverse progesterone symptoms, which is found all over the web, are as you say oestrogen dominance symptoms. No one takes cognisance of the fact that initially progesterone stimulates oestrogen, so they then think it was progesterone that caused them. Always because too little was used initially. The worse the symptoms, the more is needed to overcome excess oestrogen. Let me reassure you about the symptoms you've listed, high BP.....progesterone is a potent vasodilator, hardly likely to cause high BP! See here, here, here, here, here and here. It also stimulates nitric oxide, another potent vasodilator. Progesterone also blocks the aldosterone receptors, aldosterone causes water retention, so increasing BP, see here. Continued below.

Oct 20, 2012
can you overdose on progesterone cream?? Part 2
by: Wray

Hi Marion It appears progesterone inhibits high blood glucose. But it is sensitive to large meals, or one containing sugars, as insulin secretion or exogenously given, causes levels to drop, see here, here and here. And the heart palpitations are most definitely caused by oestrogen, worse it can cause sudden cardiac death (SCD)! Oestrogen causes prolongation of the QT interval, which results in palpitations, arrhythmia and Torsades de Pointes. Whereas progesterone shortens the QT interval, see here, here, here, here, here and here. A study published this year says "Through our research in our animal models, we have demonstrated that progesterone significantly reduces triggers for polymorphic ventricular tachycardia. At the same time, we were able to show that progesterone is protective and prevents SCD when LQT2 is present. The finding suggests that high progesterone levels during pregnancy likely account for the reduced risk of SCD in LQT2 patients during pregnancy, Koren said. The marked reduction in progesterone during the postpartum period, however, likely promotes arrhythmias and SCD in these patients. Their findings also indicate that estrogen increases both trigger and sustainability of pVT, and thereby promotes major cardiac events." And thickened blood.....atherosclerosis.... see here, here, here and here. Continued below

Oct 20, 2012
can you overdose on progesterone cream?? Part 3
by: Wray

Hi Marion Clots, see here and here. Lipid peroxidation, see here and here. Stroke, see here, here, here and here. Weakened lungs?!......progesterone is vital for lung development, it's given to preterm infants for respiratory distress syndrome! It's excellent for asthma, see here and here. These on respiration in general, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Continued below

Oct 20, 2012
can you overdose on progesterone cream?? Part 4
by: Wray

Hi Marion One study fascinates me, they found the reason women can stand higher altitudes than men, without succumbing to altitude sickness, is progesterone! Now if it weakened our lungs we wouldn't stand a chance at altitude, where every ounce of air counts. Sorry about the length of this, but I must give you the papers for reassurance. So to answer your question about the amount you use, it's fine, but why do you need so much after a year? Are you still having bad symptoms when you try to reduce it? Or haven't you tried? My only concern is cost! By the way, you don't have to start a new page if you want to continue, just click the link at the bottom which says 'Return to....' I'm going to paste this reply on both your pages. Take care Wray

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