

I was wondering when testing your insulin levels is blood more accurate or saliva? My saliva test came back normal yet on my blood testing my number is 27 fasting insulin 74 glucose.

I've been suffering with hypoglacemia, extreme fatigue and weight gain. I think I might have insulin resistance but I'm not sure. I am menopausal for about 3 years now. I was told to take biest cream and progestorone but I'm scared. I've been taking the herbs don quai and black cohossh for the menopause but don't know if it's helping yet. Also have you heard of the al cat food sensitivity test? Is that accurate? What about the blood type 0 needing to eat meat cause I try to be a vegetarian? Thanks so much.

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Jun 03, 2011
by: Wray

Hi there I can't help you when comparing saliva or blood for insulin. Maybe you could ask the lab or your doctor about this. We do have a page on Insulin Resistance you might like to look through. It gives a list of symptoms and possible causes. I would avoid any oestrogen, you might like to see our page on HRT. The herbs you're taking have oestrogenic properties. I can't help you on the al cat test. You might like to see our page on Nutrition. The only safe way to being a vegetarian is to eat raw food. There is a link on our page to an excellent site explaining how to go about eating raw. You might like to read our page on Menopause too. Take care Wray

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