

I am 49 and went 8 months without a period. It finally came on in October and it's still on.

My question is... the doctor gave me a shot of 100mg of progesterone and said he believes I have fibroid cysts. Will that one shot take away the period? I have been bleeding two weeks so far and the shot only slowed it down.

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Nov 03, 2010
by: Wray

Hi there Peri-menopause is a very difficult time, with periods coming and going when they wish. Please have a look at our page on Peri-menopause. We also have a page on Fibroids too. They are stimulated by oestrogen, an indication yours is too high, this is often the case in peri-menopause. One 100mg shot of progesterone is not going to help, it needs to be used daily. I recommend between 100-200mg/day progesterone. But if you have continual bleeding, you might have to use more. There is info about how to use progesterone and how much on the link I've given on P-M. As you're nearing Menopause you might like to read the page we have on it. The average age this occurs is 51. Although if your mother went into menopause at a later age, it's a good indication when you will. Take care Wray

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