
Can you please tell me what dosage I need?

by Joanne

Hello, I had endometriosis on my ovaries many years ago with surgery to remove the cysts. I then went on bcps for 9 years and have now decided to come off of the birth conrol pills. My endo has not returned during this time.

I had two fairly normal menstrual cycles but now have not had a period in 2 months. I would like to try progesterone cream to regulate my cycles/hormones but I have fears that it could cause a worse hormonal imbalance or cause the endo to grow. What is your opinion? What dosage should I take which will be safe and effective? Thank you.

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Nov 19, 2010
Can you please tell me what dosage I need?
by: Wray

Hi Joanne I'm not sure what age you are, could you be in peri-menopause? This causes erratic cycles, see our page on Peri-menopause for more info. Alternatively and probably more likely, it's the BCP which has caused the problem, for more info please see our page on Contraceptives. Endo is exacerbated by excess oestrogen, this stimulates cells to divide and multiply. Progesterone suppresses oestrogen and stops cells dividing, I know it helps endo as I've helped women who have it. We do have a page on it, please see Endometriosis. If you are in P-M no amount of progesterone will regulate the cycle. But if not and it's the BCP which has caused the problem, it can. But it can take time, the ovarian cycle has been disrupted by the contraceptive. I recommend 100-200mg/day, dependant on symptoms. But when first using progesterone, Oestrogen Dominance can occur, so please read through this page before starting it. I can't tell how much you'll need, you'll have to go by symptoms, please make sure it's no less than 100mg/day. Please bear in mind that progesterone can initially disrupt the cycle too. Stress also drops progesterone levels, so more is needed over any stressful time. Dark winter days also reduces the level, as it does with vitamin D, in fact these two work together. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. For more info on vitamin D please see the Vitamin D council website. Endo is an inflammatory disorder, caused by oxidative stress. Vitamin D is a potent antioxidant, it could be your level is too low. Please consider having a test done. Take care Wray

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