
Can you advise?

by Monica

Hi Wray, Hope you are well. I have been in much better health since starting my regime of using Progesterone cream (Oct 2010) and feeling happier in myself. I have also been removing stuff from my diet and what I rub into my skin and also realised I was taking 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil daily which I have stopped as I've read it contains a lot of estrogen.

I had been taking it so long I didn't realise. I still however, get breast pain although not at the same degree. I note that it starts of day 10 and will last for 4-5 days and then I'm fine again, being find again afterwards is a big breakthrough because I would normally feel worse. Anyway, would it be ok if I started progestrone before day 10 perhaps after my period and finish earlier? I feel I need to get in before it kicks in. Look forward to your reply.

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Jul 15, 2011
Can you advise?
by: Wray

Hi Monica I'm delighted the progesterone has helped you. I note from the previous query you made, that you were using about 200mg/day. You also said you were free of breast pain, and yet now it's returned. Have you possibly reduced the amount you use? If so please increase it back to the 200mg/day which you found helped. I'm not sure how old you are, but quite possibly you're in Peri-menopause? If this is the case, then do use the cream before day 10. Alternatively, you could use the progesterone daily for 2-3 months, ignoring your periods. This should reduce the excess oestrogen which occurs. I often suggest this, even to young women, if symptoms are severe. Sore breasts can also be caused by a lack of iodine, see here, here, here and here. An easy way to find out if the level is low is to get a tincture of iodine. Put 3 drops anywhere on the inner arm, rubbing them in with the dropper. If the patch fades in a few hours it means there's a deficiency. Continue applying it until the patch takes days to fade. Alternatively have a blood test. I'm glad you're aware of all the hidden toxins we consume or rub on our skin on a daily basis. You might like to see the website Our Stolen Future. Take care Wray

Jul 19, 2011
Thank you
by: Monica


Thanks for your advise and links, I think I have dropped the amount I've been using, so I'll up that again. Take care. Monica (45 yrs)

Jul 20, 2011
Thank you
by: Wray

Hi Monica I do hope it helps, it did in the past. There's no need to keep it so high, but when you do decrease the amount, please do so slowly. It seems you might have reduced it too quickly, hence the return of the breast pain. By slowly I mean dropping the amount by no more than 1ml or 33.3mg each time. Stay on that amount for a few weeks, then reduce again. If you reduce too quickly you'll soon know, as symptoms return. So increase back to where you had been and stay at that level for longer. Take care Wray

Jul 22, 2011
by: Monica


The info on iodine was amazing. I'd never read anything relating iodine to fibrocystic breast disease. I had also started to reduce my multivitamin intake so when I read about the iodine I quickly checked the bottle and yes it contains 150 mcgs of iodine. So I'm back on my daily intake of that too! Thanks again.


Aug 03, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Monica It is so interesting isn't it? And yet so many women go through biopsy after biopsy, or have their 'cysts' aspirated! And yet all they need is a little help from progesterone and possibly iodine. Take care Wray

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