by Rebecca
I have had breast cysts for 10 years and most of the time I have up to 10 in each breast.
I go to the breast clinic yearly and 2 weeks ago I had 6 cysts drained. So far they have not refilled! I have a very painful abscess in my nipple that was drained but I have some pain and swelling still. I'm off to the clinic later so they can look at it. I've been given antibiotics but they have not helped.
I am nearly 50 and have been a vegetarian for 25 years. I do eat a large variety of foods (mainly vegan) and drink wine. I don't smoke.
I'm going to try natural progesterone cream in case I am producing too much estrogen but I have also read about high histamine levels causing cysts and 2 years ago I got really bad hives. Now I get them every few weeks and I am allergic to dust mites.
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