
BI Hormones

by CAT
(Istanbul, Turkey)

Question, I'm 46 and have just been told I'm post menopausal. My FHL was 49 and LH 36, but I had a period three months ago. I have lots of hot flashes, skip periods on and off for the past couple of years. My weight has increased in the past year 25 lbs and cant get it to move an inch. I crave sweets and have a heavy appetite.

I'm taking one pump of Estriol (20mg) and 100mg of Progest. do you think this is ok? I live in Turkey so bio identicals are a very new concept.There is only one compounding pharma. in the whole country.

I'm on my first week and the hot flashes have reduced already however I'm feeling a bit nauseous.

In addition to the bio I treatment I've been using a Estriol vaginal cream, nightly for a week. However, it seems to have given me a bit of a burning sensation when I pee. Help, please share your thoughts.

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Apr 08, 2015
by: Cat

I'd really love if someone could share their experiences who might be on a similar dose. I have taken the 100mg of progest. bio ident cream now for about a month with 30mg of Estriol. I don't have any hot flashes, I sleep ok, but I seem to be very swollen and have gained weight. Help.

Thanks in advance.

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