
Better menopause with progesterone?

by Sherry

My name is Sherry, I am 53. I had no period for 3 years, but my heart has been racing, in the middle of the night, so scary. My eyes get real dry, I have just been put on the cream you put on your skin... progesterone, 30 grams, twice a day.

Has anyone felt better using this, and do you know how long you can use this for and still be safe? I hope this doesn't cause cancer. I am in Toronto, downtown. If anyone knows of a good doctor that knows a lot about this please tell me. Good luck to everyone.

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Jan 14, 2009
Better menopause with progesterone?
by: Wray

Hi Sherry. The progesterone is calming, so should help your racing heart. Have you tried the amino acid taurine and magnesium too? Taurine is one of the most calming aminos, it's also vital for the heart. There is more in the heart than all the other aminos put together. A lack of taurine would contribute to it's racing, you should be able to get this at any good health shop.

I suggest you take omega 3 fish oil, about 5ml/day and have flax oil on your veggies too. This should help the dry eyes. Vitamin A might help too.

Progesterone is very safe and if needed can be used indefinitely. I found it wonderful for all peri-menopause and menopause symptoms. It does not cause cancer, we have a web page on this you might like to look at:

I know of no doctor in Canada, but Dr Platt in California is well versed in natural hormone therapy, his details follow:

Dr Platt
Platt Medical Center
72-785 Frank Sinatra Drive
Suite 100
Rancho Mirage
CA 92270
Phone: +| 760 836 3232
Fax: +| 760 836 3234
Web site:
Specialising in preventative medicine using bio-identical hormones.

Take care Wray

Jan 18, 2009
Toronto MD
by: Anonymous

There is a doctor in the Toronto area that offers Bio-Identical Hormones:

Dr. Jeffrey Brown
7330 Yonge Street,

Jan 21, 2009
heart racing
by: Barb

Hi Sheri,
I had the heart racing thing, too. I am 48 1/2 years old. As soon as I stopped the sugar and caffeine and alcohol the racing heart thing stopped. I thought it was due to the progesterone cream I had started using, but I stopped using the cream and still had the racing heart.

I have been communicating with Wray on this website frequently about this problem. Thankfully, the heart racing is gone for me now. The biggest culprit was sugar, any and all sugar, after about 4:00 p.m.

Good luck,

Jun 20, 2009
Menopause and progesterone
by: Anonymous

I was going out of my mind with menopausal symtoms. Not only was I getting heart palpitations, but the hot flashes were happening every hour and a half, 24-7. I was also diagnosed with female pattern hair loss, as my hair was falling out at an alarming rate. I was feeling horrible all the time--feelings that I had never experienced in my life. The only time I had relief from all of this, was when I took my sleep aid and went to bed. Well, someone recommended Arbonne's Balancing Cream and ever since I started using it, I have been feeling like myself again! It took a few weeks to really kick in. My hot flashes are pretty much gone. (I do feel warm every now and then, but nothing like before.) And, those horrible feelings are gone! I'm living my life again, with energy and vitality. I'm just hoping the progesterone will help with the hair loss (I have read that it's supposed to). I guess I will see in four or six months. Stay tuned...

Jun 21, 2009
Heart racing
by: Wray

Hi Barb. Thanks for adding this comment! Sugar is behind most of our ills, and anything which converts rapidly to sugar such as wheat and anything made from it. Our fruit too, which is nothing more than a bag of sugar water, unless organic. Even some of the sweet root and fruit vegetables are a no-no if sensitive to sugar. Take care, Wray

Mar 19, 2012
Natural Progesterone
by: Anonymous

I get my natural progesterone cream compounded at a Pace Pharmacy in Toronto. They compound it for me with my doctor's prescription, and it's way less expensive than the place in my doctor's building. They deliver it to me so location doesn't matter.

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