by Jeannie
(North Carolina)
I went into early menopause and stopped my periods completely by my mid forties. I'm now 55 and have not been on any hormone therapy, although I was prescribed natural hormones for two years at the beginning. I consider myself an extremely healthy person but increasingly have been experiencing odd problems, loss of appetite without loss of weight, skin looking really dry and kind of coarse, always cold even in the middle of summer, sleep disregulation, lack of energy and motivation and I questioned whether I was experiencing depression (which is just not like me at all - I have always been one of those annoyingly upbeat people).
I noticed (and others noticed!) that I was oddly foggy and vague and forgetful, not like myself. I ran across a list of symptoms for hypothyroidism and it immediately hit home. I began researching natural remedies as I avoid conventional medicine pretty much at all costs, and came across some convincing research suggesting that natural progesterone cream and supplementation of B12 and B6 plus the fat metabolized nutrients would be supportive of healthy thyroid function and immediately began doing all of that. Within a very short time I was sleeping a regular night every night, eating healthy amounts of food and yet losing body fat, have tons of energy, skin looks great, the fog lifted, even my fingernails are perfect and they looked so bad I thought I must have a nail fungus. My body temperature is back to normal (I checked when I began this and it was 96.4 orally at 11am). And I'm back to be my annoyingly perky self. This is one of the best things I've ever found.
Comments for Amazing improvements in so many ways