
Am confused?

by hina

i'm hina n i'm 25 years old. i'm problem is that my periods are irregular so i use progyluton for this.i have no trying for a baby i use pregnacare conception his or her question is that can i use both tablets in one time a day. plz tell me.itz hramfull / not ? plz tell

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Feb 16, 2014
Am confused
by: Joy

Hi Hina

I am not in favour of using Progyluton, it's a synthetic version of progesterone, anything drug based is not good. I am not familiar with Pregnacare Conception so I can't advise you on that, but Natpro's Progesterone Cream will certainly help you. You might find the Pregnancy page useful too.

Has anyone tested you for PCOS and has your Vitamin D level been tested? A deficiency reduces the benefits of progesterone,it is also connected to every single cell in our body, and is most important for conception. Please consider having tests done.

Hope this helps you.

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