by Sophie
Hi Wray. Well at 33, after my last child I had to have a hysterectomy due to placenta increta, kept my ovaries, only to end up losing them later. Super long story. So I refused HRT, I had done my homework and ordered Natpro, I had used some Serenity cream in the past with my cycles.
It has worked great for keeping symptoms down as per the hot flashes, weight gain etc away. But the libido loss is something I am really struggling with. I have been using Natpro for two years now, and recommend it to lots of women who are entering into perimenopause and I pass the website to women who are struggling with pregnancies. Thank you for all your work!! I've tried increasing the dose, but it didn't seem to help. So I settled back down to the normal rate, using about a tube a month. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Comments for 35 and full hysterectomy/loss libido