
33 and using cream all month?

by Kalos
(Colorado )

Hello! I have terrible insomnia as well as many other symptoms of low progesterone listed on your website. I started using a wild yam cream before finding your page and had great relief using 100mg spread throughout the day and slept well for a whole week. However I did stop using it 3 days before my period was expected to start and insomnia, heart racing anxiety and terrible pms returned almost immediately. Is it safe to use the cream all month but at a lower dosage during/after menstrual phase? I just read a horror story of a woman who was very ill using the cream for similar symptoms. If I continue with the progesterone I will switch over to natpro.

Thank you!

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Mar 23, 2022
33 and using cream all month?
by: Joy

​Hi Kalos

​For those ​suffering from adverse symptoms such as yours I also suggest using Natpro progesterone cream every day with no breaks at all until ALL adverse symptoms have cleared, then and only then, use the cream by following your monthly regular cycle i.e. your luteal phase. Stopping 3 days before your period is incorrect and will cause an upset. ​I am not sure who advised you to do that. ​ It should always be used from ovulation, for the last 12-14 days of the cycle. All women, irrespective of their cycle length, ovulate 12-14 days before bleeding. Please read the How to use Progesterone Cream page.

The adverse symptoms that you experience when you stop​tped are due to estrogen receptors being aggravated and you probably need to use more progesterone cream​, between 100-200mg is needed using the correct progesterone cream. ​The Estrogen Dominance gives a list of what to expect and symptoms that one may experience especially if progesterone is not being used correctly. Once progesterone becomes the dominant​​ hormone which is what the aim is, things will improve greatly for you.

Good luck.

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