

by Mary

Hi. Just looking for some support. I'm in peri menopause. 47.still get regular periods but awful estrogen dom symptoms. I started on 100mg progesterone cream (3% as recommended). I got bad symptoms for a few months, so over the course of the last 7 days, I've upped to 200mg. What do I do now? Sit and wait it out???

Already I feel my mood dipping drastically mid afternoon. Should I split my dose more?

Any other advice? I don't get heavy periods or hot flashes - so the advice seems to be 200mg. Is that correct?

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Aug 08, 2022
by: Joy

Hi Mary

I take it that you have read the Estrogen Dominance and How to use Progesterone Cream pages.  Peri-Menopause is an awful time, progesterone helps make things a little easier and prepares the body for Menopause which is equally difficult.  

Yes, stick with the 200mg.  I find that once in PM more than 100mg is needed, but again, everyone is different. If you feel your mood dipping, then apply more cream when you start to feel down.  There is nothing wrong with using the cream throughout the day as long as it is not less than twice a day.  Use the cream to suit you and your situation.  You should also be using progesterone every day with NO breaks now and going forward.

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 is optimal as discussed many times on this website.  It is very important that it is.

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