
11 miscarriages and no mention of progesterone

by Sandra
(Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

I'm a 46 year old woman who has had two full-term healthy pregnancies at 38 and 41 years old. Over the past four years, however, I have had a series of 11 miscarriages. All have terminated within the first trimester, the majority within the first 6 - 7 weeks.

I am hypo-thyroid (mild), which was diagnosed between my third and fourth miscarriages. Once that was balanced, it was thought that things would be fine, but they haven't. Since then I've had tests for lupus, anti-phospolipids and -cardiolipids, all manner of other tests, and nothing shows as abnormal. In fact, my hormonal levels are all well within normal, healthy ranges. However, neither at the birth center I used to attend, or the specialist I recently went to, did they give any credence to the possibility of progesterone deficiency. In fact, they wouldn't even test me for it.

After so many losses, progesterone is the only logical thing I can see as the reason - other than the simple Will of God. I'm in an awkward situation as the only source of progesterone I have found in the country I am currently living in is tablet form (Duphaston) 10 mg, which is recommended to be taked twice a day (20 mg total). That contradicts what I read online which says I should be having 100-200 mg per day and that it is only effective in cream or suppository form.

I feel rather defeated and helpless by now. I'm wondering if I should order some progesterone cream, but being my own self-appointed doctor, I'm quite tired of trying to figure out what to do. I really cannot rely on or expect anything from the medical facilities where I live. I'm taking chaste tree berry and a little maca powder to try to encourage hormone balance, but truly I feel like giving up and letting these miscarriages go on until I finally hit menopause.

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Nov 22, 2011
11 miscarriages and no mention of progesterone
by: Wray

Hi Sandra I would agree with you, low progesterone causes many miscarriages, see our page on Pregnancy for a host of studies done on it. The studies will also show that a minimum of 200mg/day progesterone is given to prevent them. Some studies going as high as 600mg/day. It's vial for pregnancy, so safe, reasonably cheap, easy to use, so why they didn't suggest it is beyond me. See our page on Delivery systems to get a better idea of all those that are available. Unfortunately Duphaston is called a progesterone, but is in fact a progestin, see here. Agnus castus can help with conception, as it lowers prolactin levels, see here, here, here, here, here and here. But it doesn't seem you have a problem with conceiving, rather with retaining the embryo. In which case progesterone would be the answer. Having helped many women with recurrent miscarriages, I do know that the cream is as effective as suppositories or injections, which are favoured by the medical profession. If your prolactin is high progesterone does lower it, whereas oestrogen raises it, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. I've run out of space so will start a new comment below. Take care Wray

Apr 09, 2014
by: Ellen

I hope you well in regards to pregnancy now. Im living here in buraydah. I have low progesterone, but im afraid to take oral supplement. Where did you buy your maca powder or chaste berry supplement. Please my insomia is really bad. My contact num is 0530239718. Please I needed your help. I know im not giving u help with this post butmy prayers are with you.

Jan 20, 2016
Baby dust to you Sandra
by: Vanessa

I am really sorry about the miscarriages Sandra,I believe the issue is not that you are unable to conceive but retaining it,which I believe is progesterone deficiency,while not try the natural progesterone cream,it is very effective with no effect at all...đź‘Ť
I live here in Saudi Arabia Jeddah,may I ask you where did you buy your maca powder and chase berry? I really need them also for hormone balanced..
Thanks God bless the you

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