
Thank You Wray! You Have Touched So Many Lives!

by Erin
(Portland, Oregon)

Me and my newborn daughter

Me and my newborn daughter

I wish I could have thanked Wray in person. I sit here with tears in my eyes. When I heard the news of her passing I was busy with my newborn baby girl. A baby that Wray helped me have!

I wrote to Wray about 5 years ago in desperation. I wanted to get pregnant but the medical community had failed me. They offered to pump me full of drugs with hopes of a pregnancy without explaining what was wrong with me, why I had fertility problems, or how to fix the underlying issues!

Thank God I found this website. I wrote in and Wray personally responded to me. I had a long way to go in regaining my health and that was just the beginning of my journey. The things she suggested I took to heart. It took many years, but I am so thankful I regained my health by changing my diet, using progesterone therapy, eschewing the mainstream medical field and Big Pharma, and focusing on myself and my healing - and occasionally referencing Wray's website for help, of course.

And an amazing thing happened: when I was healthy, I found out I was pregnant completely naturally! I enjoyed a wonderful and easy pregnancy and a beautiful and healthy daughter joined our family at the end of 2016.

I will forever remember how Wray took the time to help me. She was the inspiration to begin my path towards healing. Our family will be forever grateful!

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Sep 11, 2017
Thank you Wray! You have touches so many lives!
by: Joy

Hi Erin

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter and what a lovely photo of you both. Your wonderful story has left me feel rather emotional. I can assure you, that if Wray were reading this right now, she would also have tears in her eyes. She truly was a remarkable lady who gave everything to helping others. I miss her daily.

I know that Wray would agree with me, but thank you for trusting in her and the remarkable benefits of progesterone enough to make it work for you. By following her advice, and though it took some time to conceive, you were eventually blessed with your wonderful daughter. I personally have now helped 13 women conceive, nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me feel so delighted that I have been able to help these ladies, it really is so rewarding. It's almost as if I have given birth to these babies myself! Wray of course, has helped so many more. It makes this job so very rewarding.

May you and your family go from strength to strength.

Take care.

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