
Symptoms of thyroid problems

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The symptoms of thyroid problems are best considered in two groups...

  • A high level of thyroid hormones causes a person to have more energy, loose weight and feel too hot
  • Too low a level has the opposite effect. More women than men suffer from hypothyroidism (low levels of these hormones), particularly those approaching menopause

Many such women are put on to L-thyroxin, which helps with the tiredness, but does nothing for any of the other symptoms. One of the dangers of thyroxin is that it increases the resorption of bone thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

The thyroid gland makes and secretes three hormones. Thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are both involved in metabolism and the growth of the body. The third hormone is calcitonin which acts against high levels of calcium in the blood (the parathyroid gland secretes parathyroid hormone to increase levels of calcium in the blood).

There is increasing anecdotal evidence suggesting that prevention and control of these increasingly common problems is assisted by the use of progesterone administered as a skin cream. The reason for this can largely be attributed to hormone imbalances induced by environmental toxins, especially the 'xeno-estrogens', which are thought by some authorities to be a major contributor to thyroid problems.

To find out more about progesterone therapy in general and how it benefits health issues other than symptoms of thyroid problems, please click here.

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