
Spotting and Cramping and Period is late

by Sarah

I started using Natpro about two weeks ago to help with my symptoms of low progesterone. I had a miscarriage at about 11 weeks along in the beginning of April 2011 and have felt off since then.

My periods have gradually gotten longer from 28 days to the last one of 39 days! And the last two periods, I have spotted and cramped from the time I was due for the period to start to the time it actually started. It has been so hard, especially when I am trying to conceive again. The cramping, spotting, and backache have kept me up at night and running to the bathroom all day thinking I am going to start my period.

I just finished my tube of creme yesterday after using it for two weeks after I suspected I ovulated. I have been spotting and cramping for days, even with increasing the dose from 4 ml to 6 ml a day. Do I continue to use the creme at a higher dose to help ease the symptoms or do I stop the creme in hopes a period starts?

I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was negative. I read the pregnancy page but it does not address the issue of/or cause of an extra long luteal phase with spotting and cramping. The creme has helped so much with other symptoms. I was hoping it would ease this main one of abnormal cycles but it is still the same. My concern is that if I stop using the creme so I will start a period, I will experience the days of spotting and cramping like I have the past months and my period will not start for a while. What should I do? Thank you!

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Oct 17, 2011
by: Sarah

I had to update my status. After I wrote this, I decided to up my dosage of progesterone to a teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon at night. My cramping and spotting stopped and a beautiful (yes, beautiful) normal period came for me within a day. I plan on using the cream after I ovulate until my next period, with increasing the dose as I get closer to my period. Hopefully, I will be updating with a pregnancy within a few months! Thanks!

Oct 18, 2011
Spotting and Cramping and Period is late
by: Wray

Hi Sarah I'm so pleased the progesterone has helped you. Miscarriages do upset the cycle considerably, it can take time to settle down again. The luteal phase doesn't lengthen, even though the cycle might. They always last 12-14 days, the corpus luteum cannot continue producing progesterone for longer than that. So a 39 day cycle would mean you ovulated round about day 25. But are you sure you ovulated, as a 39 day cycle is outside the range of normal, which is between 21 to 35 days. I would really recommend you use the progesterone daily for 2-3 months, ignoring any period if it comes. This will suppress any excess oestrogen you might have, and eventually make progesterone the dominant hormone. MMP's are enzymes that break down protein. They play a role in the breakdown of endometrial tissues at the end of the menstrual cycle. If they are over active, as would be the case with excess oestrogen in the body, as oestrogen stimulates their production, the result is a pathological reaction. A high level of MMP's can lead to inflammation, spotting and/or excessive bleeding in the uterus. If a low level of progesterone is present, and a high level of oestrogen, the lining will continue to grow. With a high level of MMP's the lining will also continue to break down. Progesterone suppresses both MMP's and oestrogen. The cramping is due to prostaglandins, the same cause behind labour pains. Progesterone suppresses them, so I don't believe you have been using enough. 4ml will give you about 135mg/day. 6ml will give you about 200mg/day, if you can, please consider using this amount daily. I don't advise stopping, as you say you have bad symptoms when you do. When you feel stable, which could be sooner than 3 months, start following your cycle again. There's info on how to do this on our page How to use progesterone cream. I've run out of space so will start a new comment below. Take care Wray

Oct 18, 2011
Spotting and Cramping and Period is late
by: Wray

Hi Sarah I would also ask you to have a vitamin D test done, most of us have too low a level. It's vital for normal ovarian function, ovulation, a successful pregnancy, and for the growing foetus, see here, here, here, here and here. These are excellent videos to watch too, see here and here. For more info see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Take care Wray

Oct 19, 2011
Thank you
by: Sarah

Thank you Wray for responding with the very helpful information. I started using the creme again yesterday, even though it is day 9 of my cycle. I will use it continuously for the next few months. I also upped my supplement dosages, including vitamin D and making a point to be in the sun at least 15 minutes a day. Caffeine is gone out of my diet along with implementing other changes you recommend on your website. I appreciate your help and am telling people about your wonderful product and website. Thanks again!

Oct 21, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Sarah Thanks for the update, which was posted a day before I replied, so didn't see it. I'm so relieved you used more progesterone, thank you for trusting me! The 2tsp would give about 330mg/day progesterone, more than enough to help. It seems using this amount you won't have to use it daily for the 2-3 months I suggested. But do watch for adverse symptoms when you stop. Please re-read the page on pregnancy too, as it does explain how to use it before conception and after pregnancy. And please have a vitamin D test done. Take care Wray

Oct 22, 2011
Thank you
by: Wray

Hi Sarah I'm so pleased the info helped, I'm always available if you need more help. Glad you're attempting to get in the sun, so many benefits. But please have a vitamin D test when you can, it's so important you have sufficient once you're pregnant. Another nutrient you could consider is taurine, an amino acid that is also vital for the growing foetus, see here, here and here. Bless you for the kind words and for telling people about the site! Take care Wray

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