
Wray and this website are a godsend

by Dawn L.

Wray, you've done more for me than any gyno or doctor. They don't seem to know (or want to know) about estogen dominance and all the hell it can cause. They act ignorant/ignore it or merely laugh it off.

My used to be G.P. doesn't seem to know what peri-menopause is-he thinks it's all menopause. Gyno didn't seem to know alot about too much estrogen-but did prescibe progestin when I was 45(a year ago). After bad side effects, I got some bioidentical progesterone creme and have been using it ever since. I had a rough patch, when I reduced the amount this last summer, but am getting back to feeling much better. I use alot for results. My progesterone level on your test was a 67 last Nov. 2010. I had terrible symptoms... hot flashes, heavy clotting periods every two weeks, etc. You can imagine the rest.

All have pretty much resolved themselves because of the creme. Your website is my comfort in dealing with this alone and knowing that I'm on the safe right track. The information and results are reassuring. Thank you for what you've done here. I don't have any questions @ the moment - I just wanted to say Thanks and I'm sure lots of others feel the same way.

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Oct 25, 2011
Wray and this website are a godsend
by: Wray

Hi Dawn Bless you for the kind words! And yes I've come across many who just laugh about it, but if you have any of those symptoms, it's no laughing matter. Unfortunaely too many women are offered HRT, but this comes with too many risks to warrant taking it. Peri-menopause is a very stressful time, see here. It's very different to menopause, to me it's more like going through puberty again, but older! Both times when our hormones fluctuate madly. Just remember if your symptoms come back, increase the amount of progesterone. And that stress drops progesterone too, so use more going through any stressful time. Take care Wray

Oct 26, 2011
by: Rosanne


I also have severe estrogen dominance. May I ask how much progesterone you use to alleviate symptoms and do you increase it according to symptoms? I am just a little cautious about dosage. Presently I am taking 250mg topically per day with a 10- 14 day break depending on severity of estrogen dominance symptoms. The progesterone gives me noticeable relief. However it would be nice to have it eliminated. I am just curious as to what is the maximum dose other females are using during peri-menopause and for what duration. It appears that I continually have to raise the dosage as time goes on. Every time I raise it I get relief but then I find myself increasing the dosage again and again to get the same relief. Is this common? I understand it is safe to use up to 400mg but has anyone went this high in dosage for an extended period without negative effects later on?

Thanks for the support of Wray and others, it is much appreciated.

Nov 30, 2011
by: Wray

Hi Rosanne Many women have gone higher than 400mg/day to get relief. One woman wrote in saying her doctor had given her 900mg/day for heavy bleeding. This did work, but I've found 400-600mg/day also works. Annette, who often comments on this site, has gone up to 1000mg/day. I did suggest she have a vitamin D test done, and to start taking it. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. She's finding this does help. Please would you have a test done too. For more info on testing etc see the Vitamin D Council, GrassrootsHealth, Birmingham Hospital and Vitamin D Links websites. Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. And the minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here. You might like to read comments from users of high amounts, see here, here, here, here and here. I also suggest you don't take a break, and use it continuously for 2-3 months. This enables progesterone to suppress the excess oestrogen. Each time you do have a break, oestrogen rises again. You might like to see this comment here. Take care Wray

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