by Marianna
(Boston MA)
I had Estriol/Estradiol/progesterone/testosterone/dhea blood test done by a medical doctor which showed they were very low (out of range low). But the FSH and Lutenizing hormone showed as something (not postmenopausal but pre menopausal levels) (my last period was 8 years ago) I was very symptomatic of menopause. Super dry skin, vaginal atrophy, muscle loss and thinning hair.
I started using Estriol lmg every other day (vaginal oil)
and Progesterone Cream (160 mg) every day.
My Saliva tests came back and I am so confused. I feel so much better using these items but ZRT labs states the levels are High.
Estriol 82.3 Estradiol 3.3 Progesterone was 764
Other than Hypothyroidism I have no diseases that I am treated for. I did have a bone density test done at 50 and was told it was exceptional. In comparison to other women my age; mine showed more equivlent to a 37.5 year old female.
Also, when I went to have my mammogram the technicians commented on my breasts. Apparently other females my age are have some sagging and are much less dense than mine. My own PCP comments every year that I am in very good shape for my age.
I am a little confused as to what these levels are showing.
Should I stop using the Progesterone Cream every day or just lower the level. and use the Esriol oil once a week????
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