
Is it ok to use more then 200 mg of progesterone cream? Low progesterone is making it impossible to lose weight.

by Arianna
(Los Angeles, CA)

Hi-I'm having trouble with dosing. I'm in my 40s, had bloodwork done and my pg/e2 ratio came back as UNDER 100, low progesterone. Slightly high estrogen. I get a very regular period, every 28 days so not worried about my cycle. I'm using the cream because I'm having an IMPOSSIBLE time losing weight no matter what I do.

I've been using about 200mg of cream daily for about a week and nothing seems to be happening. How long does it take to work? When should I increase the dose and to how much?

All my other bloodwork came back as optimal including inflammation and Vitamin D so I know the issue is my hormones.

Any suggestions?


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Feb 28, 2022
Is it ok to use more then 200 mg of progesterone cream? Low progesterone is making it impossible to lose weight.
by: Joy

Hi Arianna

Let me clear something up.  Progesterone does not help one to lose weight. Estrogen is a mitogen causing fat cells to proliferate.  The correct use of progesterone helps to control estrogen.  

While each hormone test is important it is the ratio between progesterone:estrogen that is important.  The ratio should be around 600:1 before one feels the benefits of progesterone.  Please read the Hormone Testing page.

Weight gain could also be a thyroid issue or Insulin Resistance have you been tested for these?

Two weeks is not going to make a dent on anything.  It takes between 2-6 MONTHS before one feels the benefits, longer if symptoms are severe.  

Please make sure that your Vitamin D3 is optimal as per the website.

Feb 28, 2022
Re: Is it ok to use more then 200 mg of progesterone cream? Low progesterone is making it impossible to lose weight.
by: Anonymous

Yes! I have had both my thyroid checked as well as blood work for insulin resistance. All came back in optimal range. That's NOT the issue. I feel very confident my hormone imbalance is the problem.

I know progesterone does not MAKE you lose weight. I understand it's the estrogen being high that's making it difficult because there isn't enough progesterone to offset it.

I guess I will keep using it at 200 mg and see what happens. But I only use it 2 weeks out of the month after I ovulate. I do not want to mess with my period. Thanks again.

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