
Daily migraines

by Karen

I have been having daily migraines since my daughter was 2 years old and now she is 18 years old. I have tried every kind of migraine medicine and therapy you can think of.

I had my second daughter 12 years after my first. She is now 7 years old. The only time my migraines went away was while I was pregnant with my second child. About two months after she was born they returned and were worse then ever.

I'm thinking that maybe it is a hormonal imbalance I could be fighting. Is this the case or does anybody have any idea on what could help me. Could it be estrogen?

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Aug 09, 2008
Daily migraines
by: Wray

Hi Karen It looks suspiciously like a hormonal imbalance between oestrogen and progesterone. Particularly as you mention the migraines going away during your pregnancy, when progesterone levels are high, and coming back 2 months later.

Progesterone levels drop after giving birth, precipitating many problems. Dr Dalton found progesterone very effective for migraines if they were tied to our cycle or pregnancy. If you do decide to try it, please read our webpage on oestrogen dominance, as I believe this is what you have and symptoms could become worse, before getting better.

Sep 11, 2008
by: Bill

My wife has suffered badly from migraines for the last 30 years. Now they come more often then ever. What makes it worse is she was born deaf.

I suggested she do away with the patch a few months ago but she would sweat and just continued them. She took it off last night and we will see how she does without them for a few days. We also have tried just about everything from doctors to pills and shots. Nothing worked! She is 54 and has been on the patch for 11 years.

I have spent many nights in dark hospital rooms before and after she has gotten a shot. I will ask my Doctor about progesterone cream.

Jun 18, 2009
by: Debra

Hi Karen. Your story sounds alot like mine I had my first child and I have lived with daily migraines every since. I had a second baby any they were worse than ever! Then you have to deal with insurance will only cover 12 pills of maxalt 6 pills of replex a month IT SUCKS!

I knew they were hormone unbalanced but my obgyn would just look at me like I was crazy and give me pain pills which did nothing. I finally found a Dr. that specialized in balancing your hormones. I went and they drew blood come to find out they were all out of wack. The Dr. got me set up on Progesterone and I am telling you this is my 2nd month on the meds and I haven't had a migraine since.

I would recomend you to find a Dr. in your home town to do some blood work and see what your levels are. I hope you get the relief that I have because nobody really understands what pain you are going through unless you have been there like I have ITS NO FUN!

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