
Confused About Oestrogen Dominance

by Liz
(UK )

Hi Wray,

As I am on 400mg of progesterone every day, my periods are nothing more than a touch of brown when I wipe myself a few times.
Great compared to the heavy clotting I used to get when I hit 40.

But after having what I "think" have been 2 or 3 cycles back to back and the associated PMS that comes with them (Albeit NOTHING like as bad as I used to be) I went on Amazon to find a menopause testing kit and discovered products such as Black Cosh and Red Clover.

The reviews are highly favourable with the vast majority of women saying they sleep better, they no longer have insomnia or mood swings and day/night sweats have all but gone!

So naturally, I did some research and found these herbs contain isoflavones which are changed in the body to "phytoestrogens" that are similar to the hormone oestrogen.

My own doctor says its not only Progesterone that dips and raises, but Oestrogen too during peri and menopause.

So I am confused why so many women swear by these two herbs when everything I have read on this website indicates to avoid Oestrogen's.

Surely they can't all be experiencing placebo effect.

I am tempted to try them but I have become very rigid in my belief of Progesterone and avoiding Oestrogen at all costs since discovering your product and website.

Is it worth a shot? Is it at all possible I could benefit from some Oestrogen?

I am 46 in jan and have been having peri since I was around 40

Kind Regards, Liz

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Nov 23, 2014
Confused About Oestrogen Dominance
by: Wray

Hi Liz So pleased the progesterone has helped so much. Thanks for doing the research! I'm not in favour of phytoestrogens, simply because they do have an oestrogenic effect, albeit low. But over the long term it does have an effect. Yes they can help initially, as can HRT, but the risks are to me not worth it. So it has to be up to the individual, I would be cautious about using it. One rather amusing incident was brought to my attention by the wife of a man who was addicted to soy sauce. As you know soy contains those same isoflavones. Well he had developed Man Boobs, often referred to as moobs! She wanted to know if progesterone would help him, which of course it would. Better still, I told her to tell him to stop so much soy sauce. So over time, even the small amount of phytoestrogens can affect us. Take care Wray

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