
35 and full hysterectomy/loss libido

by Sophie

Hi Wray. Well at 33, after my last child I had to have a hysterectomy due to placenta increta, kept my ovaries, only to end up losing them later. Super long story. So I refused HRT, I had done my homework and ordered Natpro, I had used some Serenity cream in the past with my cycles.

It has worked great for keeping symptoms down as per the hot flashes, weight gain etc away. But the libido loss is something I am really struggling with. I have been using Natpro for two years now, and recommend it to lots of women who are entering into perimenopause and I pass the website to women who are struggling with pregnancies. Thank you for all your work!! I've tried increasing the dose, but it didn't seem to help. So I settled back down to the normal rate, using about a tube a month. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Jan 31, 2011
35 and full hysterectomy/loss libido
by: Wray

Hi Sophie Placenta increta is a life threatening complication, and often a hyst is the only option. It's a pity you lost the ovaries later, but I'm relieved you avoided the HRT. I'm pleased the progesterone has helped with some of the symptoms, and bless you for the kind words and passing the web site on to others! I had no libido for about 4 years after birth, but I did have PND, which had a major bearing on it! It's not something I've researched before, so I'm pleased you've asked me to. Now I'm appalled at the number of women who do have low libido after giving birth, and the lack of info and support. The studies suggest more work needs to be done to help women with it, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here. I'm not a great believer in giving testosterone to women, but after the removal of the ovaries, this does decline. Some studies have not found it of help, see here, but others have, see here. You could try this, but please make sure the amount is not too high, or facial hair, spots, oily skin etc can occur. There is evidence progesterone does increase libido, see (original link no longer accessible) see:here. But what I can't tell you is how much you'll need. You say you've tried increasing the amount which has not helped. Have you tried very high amounts like 2tsp or 330mg/day progesterone? Please consider a vitamin D test, a low level reduces the benefits of progesterone. For more info see the Vitamin D council website. I have more, but a lack of space! So I'm going to open a new comment on the same page. Take care Wray

Jan 31, 2011
35 and full hysterectomy/loss libido
by: Wray

Hi Sophie Placenta increta is a life threatening complication, and often a hyst is the only option. It's a pity you lost the ovaries later, but I'm relieved you avoided the HRT. I'm pleased the progesterone has helped with some of the symptoms, and bless you for the kind words and passing the web site on to others! I had no libido for about 4 years after giving birth, but I did have PND, which had a major bearing on it! I knew nothing about progesterone then. Most women have low libido after giving birth, but there is such a lack of info and support. The studies suggest more work needs to be done to help women with it, see here, here, here, here, here, here and here. I'm not a great believer in giving testosterone to women to increase libido. Androgen therapy has been studied for 40 years, in spite of this there appears to be a lack of normal ranges for women, which leads to higher doses than necessary being given. Androgens in women are secreted by the adrenals and ovaries, plus peripheral tissues such as the skin. Interestingly we make about 66% of that found in men, see here. So removing the ovaries could possibly lead to a decline, possibly not. Some studies have not found it of help, see here but others have, see here. You could try it, but please make sure the amount is not too high, or facial hair, acne, oily skin etc can occur, as they do in teenage boys! I have more info, but also a lack of space. So I'm going to open a new comment on the same page. Take care Wray

Jan 31, 2011
35 and full hysterectomy/loss libido
by: Wray

Hi Sophie There is evidence progesterone does increase libido, (link no longer accessible), but what I can't tell you is how much you'll need. You say you've tried increasing the amount which has not helped. Have you tried very high amounts like 2tsp or 330mg/day progesterone?Giving birth drops progesterone levels. Plus any stress drops progesterone levels, PI would have caused exceptionally high stress. It could be you just need to give it more time. A lack of vitamin D reduces the benefits of progesterone. Most of us have low levels, please consider a vitamin D test. For more info see the Vitamin D council website. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter involved in sexual arousal. If it's low, libido will be too. Prolactin is high after birth, understandably as it's the hormone of lactogenesis, but it suppresses dopamine. Progesterone suppresses prolactin, so quite possibly you don't have high prolactin, but low dopamine. But it might be worth getting your prolactin levels checked. Stress lowers dopamine levels, so does a lack of protein in the diet. The precursor to dopamine is the amino acid tyrosine, it might be worth taking some. Start low with about 500mg/day, gradually increasing. It's safe to go to 6000mg/day, but symptoms come back once the body has recovered, so reduce slowly till you find the optimum. Please see these papers on dopamine here, here,here and here. Take care Wray

Feb 19, 2012
Strong libido HRT after Full hysterectomy and rectocele
by: Anonymous

Hi. After suffering from Uteral ablation syndrome and a rectocele, I had a full hysterectomy and rectocele repair. My ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed at my request due to a family history of ovarian cancer on both sides. I do have HRT with Estrace's generic Esradiol. This is supposed to be new and the closest to what our own bodies produce. My operation was almost 6 weeks ago and I will see the Dr in two days for my release to have sex and resume normal activities. I'm 45 and have been married to the love of my life for 25 years. I have never had much of a sex drive and would have been content to snuggle for 90 percent of our lives....until now. I am truly surprised by how much I look forward to my clearance. This is not because I know we can have sex without the consequences of pregnancy. I hade a tubal ligation 15 years ago and it did not increase my libido. This is not mental, but physical. I think it is the extrusion and the loss of pain and heaviness from the problematic female organs. If you are spouses to HRT I can understand, but youse wish to discuss this medicine with your Dr. I have also considered that this libido of mine may be a temporary phenomenon that I have heard can happen after a hyst. Hope not.

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